Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I read in a book today about learning to be content in your current circumstances and learning to be happy even, and especially if, your life is mundane and boring. Be grateful for the normal and mundane.

For instance, if you're feeling bored with cleaning the house day after day, and taking care of kids, cleaning the house, making dinner, doing the dishes, cleaning the house, going to the store, taking kids to school, cleaning the house....(you get the picture) you should change your attitude to being grateful that you have a house to clean, kids to take care, food to prepare, clothes to wear, and a car to drive your kids in.

Many times it takes losing one of these things to realize what we had and for us to wish we had it back. Never take normal for granted! Be grateful for it!

And you know what I realized? If I spend my day telling myself that I'm grateful for all these things, then after a while I realize how much happier I am and I start enjoying them. Don't believe me? Try it!