Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Forgiveness is hard; especially when the person you "should" forgive doesn't even want it, or think they need it. They're just going along with their happy little life not even realizing that they are causing you pain and suffering and making your life miserable.

Hmm, "causing" or "caused"? Yes, they initially caused me hurt and pain, but are they the ones still causing it, or am I causing it by not letting it go?

I think that I don't want to forgive unmentioned person because they hurt me, betrayed me, and they need to pay for it. So I back away, give them the cold shoulder, bury away my heart, and "make them pay". Yes, they'll pay now, I won't give them my love. That's really going to hurt them. And then when they are good and hurt and crying out in pain and begging me to stop, then I'll forgive them. I'll proudly stand above them, look down and say "now that you've suffered, you can be forgiven." And then my pain, hurt, and suffering will magically disappear. Right??? WRONG!

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