Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Happy for No Reason

As a recovering depressed, negative person (and I emphasize "recovering"), it is a great discovery to find out you can be happy for no apparent reason! Just be happy! Today I was just doing my usual thing (which is NOT fun, i.e. cleaning the house, doing laundry, chasing a toddler around) when out of the blue I felt happy. My immediate response was "you don't have anything to be happy about." Yes, I could be content, yes, I could be at peace, but happy? I need to have a reason, right? Nope! So I pushed right past that negative self talk and smiled at myself in the mirror (honestly, I don't remember when I've ever done that) and began doing a little dance (NEVER done that). I even started laughing aloud (aghast, am I going insane?).

And you know what? It was fun! And it was contagious - to myself. The little happy feeling I started with, grew into a big happy feeling that lasted for a few hours. Amazing. There were a few times when that menacing little voice would try to stop me and tell me I needed a reason to be happy. But I immediately shot back "No I don't. I can just be happy because!" And that is a remarkable accomplishment for someone like me!!!

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